Tuesday, June 16, 2009

ReDo Church

There are a lot of things I envision about church and the type of church I would like to plant. I am looking at a lot of new churches and I am wondering how new are they. It seems as if everyone as jumped on the "not church as usual" band wagon when in essence it is. I have no problem with different. In fact my whole vision is different. However, what i hear are fears of being different because church people might not get it. What I read from that is we want other church people. If that is our goal then why plant a new church. Church planting to me should focus on the un-churched. We are not planting churches just to say we have best church out now. Hopefully we are planting churches to reach people who normally would not be reached. In that regard we have to be different. Yes reinvent the wheel. Stop just ReDoing church and start rethinking church because that is when transformaton will come.

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